The NAGAP Report

GEM for Life? Exploring a Life and Career In, and Out, of Graduate Enrollment - S4 E1

NAGAP Report Season 4 Episode 1

We celebrate International Women's Day with this special conversation with Holly Wilbanks of The Wilbanks Consulting Group. Once a card-carrying member of the NAGAP community, Holly embarked on a soul-searching journey that led her to found her own business helping others find and pursue fulfilling careers. Listen to this conversation to hear about her professional journey both in and outside of higher ed, what led her to become an entrepreneur, and her insights on what we can all do to harness our own skills and interests to embrace our most fulfilling professional and personal lives.

Learn more about Holly Wilbanks and The Wilbanks Consulting Group here:

Learn more about NAGAP, the Association for Graduate Enrollment Management, at